With Prof. S.G.Lomber

With Dr. J. Tillein

With Prof. A. Sharma

Prof. Dr. I. Hulin, DrSc.

Institute of Pathological Physiology

Comenius University

Prof. Dr. R. Klinke


Institute of

Sensory Physiology

& Neurophysiology

J.W.Goethe Univ.

A.Kral thanks for training and support:

Prof. Dr. V. Majernik, DrSc.

Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Science ,


and the School of Medicine of the Comenius University in Bratislava


2020 European International Training Network Comm4Child

Prof. Dr. Julie Arenberg
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University, USA

Prof. Dr. Yael Henkin
Dept. of Communication Disorders, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Prof. Dr. Tilak Ratnanather
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Prof. Dr. Stephen G. Lomber 
Cerebral Systems Laboratory, Mc Gill University, Canada

Prof. Dr. Anu Sharma
Brain & Behavior Laboratory, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Dr. Pascal Barone
Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

Dr. Prasandhya A. Yusuf 
Dept. of Medical Physics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Gerard M. O‘Donoghue
ENT Clinics, University of Nottingham, UK

Prof. Dr. Blake S. Wilson
Laureate of the Lasker-DeBakey Prize & Russ Prize
School of Medicine and Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, USA

Prof. Dr. Michael F. Dorman
Dept. of Speech and Hearing Science, Arizona State University, USA

Prof. Dr. David B. Pisoni
Dept. of Psychological and Brain sciences, Indiana University, USA

Prof. Dr. William G. Kronenberger
Dept. of Pediatrics, Indiana University, USA

Prof. Dr. Karen Gordon
ENT Clinics, University of Toronto, Canada

Prof. Dr. Martin Vinck, Ernst Strüngmann Institute of Neuroscience, Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Jochen Tillein (MedEl Company)
Prof. Dr. H.G. Nothwang (University of Oldenburg)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Blume (Leibnitz University)
Prof. Dr. B. Kopp (Neurology, MHH)
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. W. Heisterkamp (Laser Center Hannover) 
PD Dr. K. Esser (School of Veterinary Medicine) http://comm4child.ulb.behttps://en-med.tau.ac.il/profile/henkinhttp://www.cis.jhu.edu/~tilak/http://www.cerebralsystems.ca/http://www.colorado.edu/slhs/eeglab/index.htmlhttp://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/fr_vers/annuaire/pascal_barone.htmhttp://www.hearing.nihr.ac.uk/about-us/staff/bio/gerry-odonoghue-15https://bme.duke.edu/faculty/blake-wilsonhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Dormanhttp://www.uke.uni-hamburg.de/mitarbeiter-auszubildende/index_520.phphttp://iuhealth.org/find-a-doctor/physician/27172/http://www.sickkids.ca/AboutSickKids/Directory/People/G/Karen-A-Gordon-Staff-Profile.htmlhttp://www.sickkids.ca/AboutSickKids/Directory/People/G/Karen-A-Gordon-Staff-Profile.htmlhttp://www.medel.com.ar/lang/ger/90_de/shapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1shapeimage_5_link_2shapeimage_5_link_3shapeimage_5_link_4shapeimage_5_link_5shapeimage_5_link_6shapeimage_5_link_7shapeimage_5_link_8shapeimage_5_link_9shapeimage_5_link_10shapeimage_5_link_11shapeimage_5_link_12shapeimage_5_link_13
Former lab members & master students:
Dr. Markus Pietsch
Dr. Roger Calixto
Dr. Ingo Teudt
Dr. Victor Helmstädter
Dr. Jose S.C. de Andrade
Dr. Alexander Rettenmaier 
Dr. Laya R. Nikoukar
Dr. Mathias B. Voigt
Dr. Felix Aplin
Dr. Gunnar L. Quaß
Dr. Mika Sato
Dr. Peter Hubka
Former doctoral students:
Dr. Alice Burghard                                              
Dr. Odett Kaiser (summa cum laude)                      
Dr.med. Antonia Reimer (summa cum laude)                                                    
Dr. Behrouz Salamat                                           
Dr. Emilie Syed                                                      
Dr. Rüdiger Land (summa cum laude) 
Dr. Gunnar L. Quaß
Dr. Heike Janssen (summa cum laude)                 
Dr. Irina Schierholz (summa cum laude)                 
Dr. Ersin Avci
Dr. Prasandhya A. Yusuf                                      
Dr. Mathias B. Voigt (summa cum laude)                 
Dr.med. Christoph Berger
Dr. Dorota Sznabel
Dr. Lea Sollmann
Pascal Kraschon, MSc.                                         
Abtin Jamshidi-Rad, MSc.                           
Thomas Weber, MSc.                                    
Christiane Sprenger, MUC.                                 
Daniela Hollfelder, MUC.                                     
Ludovic Lecassagne, MSc.                            
Jan-Ole Radecke, MSc.                                 
Gianluca Morciano, MSc.
Sarah Sentis,MSc.
Niloofar Tavakoli, MSc.
Dr. Niels M. Oppel

Eddy Kühne †